New Fabio Fasoli’s and Magdalena Formanowicz’s article

The article “Can Agentic Messages Help? Linguistic Strategies to Counteract Voice-Based Sexual Orientation Discrimination” published by Fabio Fasoli and Magdalena Formanowicz in the British Journal of Social Psychology explores the impact of agentic messaging in combating discrimination against gay and bisexual men based on the sound of their voice. It examines how expressing agency in messages can alter self-perceptions and decrease expectations of discrimination among gay and bisexual men, as well as reduce actual discrimination from heterosexual listeners in a hiring context. The research underscores that emphasizing agentic content in communication can serve as an effective strategy for reducing hiring discrimination against gay men and promoting a more inclusive and fair evaluation process. This research may be relevant for anyone interested in the dynamics of communication, the impact of societal biases on professional opportunities, and the potential of language as a tool for social change. Our findings offer important insights into creating more inclusive environments where everyone’s voice and message is heard and valued.


Fasoli, F., & Formanowicz, M. (2024). Can agentic messages help? Linguistic strategies to counteract voice-based sexual orientation discrimination. The British Journal of Social Psychology / the British Psychological Society.

Keywords: agency, voice, communication dynamics