Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of the Grammar of Social Relations Lab

  1. The core values of the GSR relate to respect, openness, and scientific professionalism. We respect everybody (regardless of the scientific or societal rank). We respect ourselves, our colleagues and the scientific community, our participants, our funders and institutions we work for, and more broadly all beings. We’re open to each other’s ideas and feedback as this allows us to create high-quality science. Respect and openness breed an atmosphere of trust, in which we can safely brainstorm and critically evaluate ideas without being too attached to our proposal and without being prejudiced about the proposals of others. After all, the goal is to arrive at the best possible empirical or theoretical solution. Everyone, regardless of experience level, has valuable insights to contribute. We do our best work when we work as a team. 
  2. Professional conduct during work hours is expected. This includes:
  • Being on time for meetings and being considerate of others’ time. 
  • Being prepared for the meetings to the best of our abilities. 
  • Respecting turn-taking, as meeting time is a limited resource and everyone should have enough time to express their perspective.
  • Following all safety procedures and research ethics requirements.
  • Preparing study and data protocols according to the lab standards.
  • Respecting scientific ethical principles, as expressed in APA guidelines.
  • Treating equipment with respect.
  • Accepting responsibility for your mistakes.
  • Not gossiping about the personal lives of lab members.
  • Being mindful when self-disclosing.
  • Cleaning up your workspace and communal space.
  1. Collaborative learning is a priority. Lab members are encouraged to help each other, share experiences, and troubleshoot problems together. All questions are good questions. We share our successes – so we can celebrate together and our failures – so we can learn from each other’s mistakes. Sharing is critical for scientific purposes and personal and interpersonal growth. Lab members are expected to be generous in sharing their knowledge, be it technical (how to analyse data), pragmatic (there is a conference call, a prize, a special issue), theoretical or interpersonal (connecting people). Inclusive attitudes in research projects will turn into more possibilities for everybody and better scientific outputs.
  2. Gratitude expressions are welcome!
  3. Ensure every member has the opportunity to participate both within the lab and in social work settings. In group meetings, keep comments succinct to allow engagement by all participants. Do not interrupt others based on disagreement; hold such comments until they have finished speaking. Be considerate of dietary restrictions/preferences, familial obligations, religious observances, etc.
  4. Respect our shared auditory environment. Speak softly so as not to disturb other people working in the lab. Check with others before starting noisy tasks or long conversations. 
  5. Use welcoming and inclusive language. Exclusionary comments, jokes, threats, or violent language are not acceptable. Do not address others in an angry, intimidating, or demeaning manner. When speaking to or about others, make yourself aware of their preferred pronouns and do not deliberately misgender others. Be considerate of the ways the words you choose may impact others. Offensive behaviour or comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or a person’s lifestyle choices and practices are not welcome in the GSR Lab. If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or comments about this, please discuss it with Caterina or Magdalena.
  6. Harassment is not tolerated. This includes unwanted physical, sexual, or repeated social contact. Consent is not implied, and if you are unsure whether your behaviour towards another person is welcome, ask them. If someone tells you to stop, do so promptly. Respect the privacy and safety of others. Do not take photographs of others without their permission. Posting or threatening to post personally identifying information of others without their consent is a form of harassment.
  7. If you see something inappropriate happening, a gentle reminder about the Code of Conduct is a productive response. If you believe a situation requires further intervention please feel welcome to approach Caterina or Magdalena.

(GSR Lab team, 2023)