The role of agency and morality in dehumanization: An integrative perspective

Current project leader: Magdalena Formanowicz

Description: Dehumanization has been conceptualized as a denial of human qualities to people or groups. The increasing theoretical and empirical interest in dehumanization marks two important assumptions for the proposed project. First, dehumanization continues to be an important and unresolved problem affecting people in their everyday lives. Second, the breadth of individual research in the domain of dehumanization calls for an integrative approach going beyond single (sometimes contradicting) findings. In this project, we aim to address the as-yet unclear role in dehumanization processes regarding the two main features that guide social perception: agency and communion. Furthermore, we focus on experiments testing how to decrease the dehumanization of disadvantaged groups.


  • Polish National Science Foundation Grant 2022/45/B/HS6/01029 – awarded to Magdalena Formanowicz (2023-2027)

Representative Publications:

  • Formanowicz, M., Bulska, D., & Shnabel, N. (2023). The role of agency and communion in dehumanization — an integrative perspective. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 49, [101236]. 
